You may be awaiting the birth of your child, have a newborn, or have a child who is several months old. No matter the stage of parenting you are currently in, you have been entrusted with a great gift from God. In your role as parent, you will serve as the first and most influential teacher of your child's faith (among other things). St. George seeks to help you in this role through weekly celebration of the Mass and offering the Sacrament of Baptism. Baptism is “the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments” [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1213].
Baptism by infusion involves the pouring of water three times over the infants forehead by the priest or deacon while they recite the formula. Due to practicality, preference, or tradition, some parents choose this type of baptism for their child. No matter which type you choose, this sacrament of baptism pardons all our sins, rescues us from the power of darkness, and brings us to the dignity of adopted children, a new creation through water and the Holy Spirit. Hence we are all called and are indeed the children of God.
Baptisms will take place either during or after (denoted below) the 4pm, 9:30am, or 11:30am Masses on these weekends:
January 18-19 DURING
February 15-16 AFTER
(No Baptisms are held during Lent.)
April 26-27 AFTER
May 17-18 DURING
June 7-9 AFTER
The liturgy of Baptism invites you to think about the hopes and dreams you have for your child and the values you want to communicate to him or her in everyday life. These hopes, dreams, and values are expressed in the choices you make as a parent, the traditions you foster in your family, and the habits and interests you cultivate in your child. This rite, or set of ritual actions, celebrates the beginning of your child's life as a child of God and member of the Church. It affirms your own commitment to the faith and your promise to be your child's first catechist, being the first to hand on the faith to him or her by your Christian example. It also affirms the church's commitment to offer you and your child support in each of your roles.
St. George offers a preparation process to all families planning a baptism here in order to help you better understand the sacrament and rite of Baptism and your parent role in the faith life of your child. The Baptismal Seminar is required for all parents and godparents, whom we strongly encourage to attend. Parents and Godparents who have attended a class within the past five years are exempt. The seminars are held virtually at this time.Our Baptismal Seminars are virtual at this time and offered only for registered St. George parishioners or for those taking part in a Baptism held at St. George.
(Please contact Liz to request a Baptismal Seminar.)
Parents who desire to have their children Baptized need to be aware of the following requirements: